Faculty and Staff
Our faculty is made up of people who love what they teach, bringing passion and thought-provoking questions to all subjects. One of the distinctive features of our program is that we bring in specialists for some of our main lessons and track classes. In order to maintain a consistently high standard of education, we have a combination of resident and visiting faculty. We are committed to academic excellence that engenders true interest in the pursuit of knowledge.
August Plummer
Facilities Support, Tech Support, Trip Staff, Choreography Associate, Intern Instructor
Brian Buckley
English Teacher
Chelsea Hendrickx
Enrollment Coordinator, In-House Graphic Designer
FX Galloway
Facilities Manager, History, Science & Humanities Teacher, Class Sponsor
Greer Galloway
Humanities Teacher, Accreditation Coordinator, Trip Staff
Hillary Williams
Spanish Teacher, English Teacher, Trip Staff
Jacquelyn O’Brien
Events & Volunteer Coordinator, Administrative Projects, Registrar, Rehearsal Support Coordinator, Yearbook Sponsor
Keats Dormont
Science Teacher
Keir Hyatt
Math Teacher, Business Office Advisor
Kim Williams
Student Academic Support Services Coordinator, Science Teacher, Class Sponsor, Trip Staff
Marcella de la Paz
Stage Manager, Drama Director, Humanities Teacher, Class Sponsor
Natalie Simpson
All-School Musical Director
Pamela Shaver
Art History Teacher, Archivist/Photo Manager, Branding/Graphics Advisor, Costume Supervisor, Alumni Liaison
Phillip Alvarez
German Teacher
Reanna Magruder
English Teacher
Ryan Schutz
Business Manager
Sandy Hollander
Office Manager
Shevek Majors-Peer
Technical Director, Practical Theatre Teacher
Suzanne Caulk
Math Teacher
Terryann Stilwell
Eurythmy Teacher
Faculty and Staff
Leadership Council
Gregory Fisher
Co-Founder, Advisor
Laurel Fisher
Co-Founder, Advisor, Mentor, English Teacher
Betsy Barricklow
Co-Founder, Advisor, Mentor, Development Director, Festivals Coordinator, Humanities Teacher
Catherine Barricklow
Trips Coordinator, Production Manager, Drama Director, Science Teacher, Class Sponsor
Sorel Haruf
English and Humanities Teacher, Class Sponsor
Jan Linsley
Matt Witherow
Music Director, History Teacher, Class Sponsor